Conférence – Axe neurophysiologie – CIUSSS NIM – The role of non-pharmacological risk factors in nicotine reward and addiction

Stéphanie Caille-Garnier, PhD, HDR
Stephanie CAILLE defended her PhD in 2000 at the University of Bordeaux. Her work consisted in examining the involvement of central monoamines in opiate dependence in rats, describing the effects of specific lesions in the in the induction and expression of motivational and somatic symptoms of opiate withdrawal. Then, she did her postdoctoral research (2001-2005) at the Scripps Research Institute of La Jolla (CA, USA) where she developed her interest for the endocannabinoid system as a control factor of drug-taking and drug-seeking behaviors. She secured a researcher position at the CNRS in 2005. Since then, she has been working at the Aquitaine Institute for Cognitive and Integrative Neurosciences (INCIA, University of Bordeaux, France) where she developed several lines of research on the topic of tobacco addiction. She aims at understanding the risk factors for the development of addiction but also the precipitating factors of nicotine taking and seeking behaviors. To this end she developed various experimental approaches including multidimensional behaviors and neuropharmacology. She is currently a CNRS senior researcher in the Addicteam and in January 2022 she will be co-leader of EMOTIV (Emotion, Motivation and Cognition) team.