Marina Martinez

Chercheuse régulière
Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur-de-Montréal
Département de Neurosciences, Université de Montréal
Docteure Marina Martinez a complété un Doctorat en Neurosciences à l’Université d’Aix-Marseille, France (2006-2009). Elle a ensuite effectué une formation post-doctorale dans le laboratoire de Pr Serge Rossignol, à l’Université de Montréal (Canada) jusqu’en 2013. En 2014, elle a établi son premier laboratoire indépendant à l'Université de Calgary en tant que membre du Hotchkiss Brain Institute et professeure adjointe au Département de Biologie Cellulaire et d'Anatomie. Depuis 2016, elle est chercheuse régulière au Centre de Recherche de l’Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal et professeure adjointe au Département de Neurosciences de l’Université de Montréal. Ses travaux de recherche visent à comprendre les bases neuronales de la récupération sensorimotrice dans des modèles animaux d’atteintes médullaires.
- Développement de protocoles de réhabilitation pour le contrôle locomoteur: neuroprothèses, paradigmes d’entraînement.
2000-2003 B.Sc. Psychologie
Université de Nantes
Nantes, France
2003-2005 M.Sc. Neurosciences
Université d’Aix-Marseille
Marseille, France
2005-2006 Diplôme interuniversitaire en Biologie et Communication
Université d’Aix-Marseille
Marseille, France
2006-2009 Ph.D. Neurosciences
Université d’Aix-Marseille
Marseille, France
2009-2013 Stage postdoctoral
Université de Montréal
Directeur : Pr Serge Rossignol
Bonizzato M and Martinez M. An intracortical neuroprosthesis immediately alleviates walking deficits and improves recovery of leg control after spinal cord injury. Science Translational Medicine 2021. 13(586):eabb4422. DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.abb4422
Brown A and Martinez M. From cortex to cord: motor circuit plasticity after spinal cord injury. Neural Regeneration Research 2019 14(12):2054-2062.
Brown A and Martinez M. Thoracic spinal cord hemisection surgery and open-field locomotor assessment in the rat. Journal of Visualized Experiments (148), e59738, doi:10.3791/59738 (2019).
Brown A and Martinez M. Ipsilesional motor cortex plasticity participates in spontaneous hindlimb recovery after unilateral spinal cord injury. J Neurosci. 2018, 38(46):9977–9988.
Martinez M, Tuznik M, Delivet-Mongrain H, Rossignol S. Emergence of Deletions during Treadmill Locomotion as a Function of Supraspinal and Sensory Inputs. J. Neurosc. 2013, 33:11599-605;
Martinez M, Delivet-Mongrain H, Rossignol S. Treadmill training promotes spinal changes leading to locomotor recovery after partial spinal cord injury in cats. J. Neurophysiology. 2013, 109: 2909-22.
Martinez M and Rossignol S. A dual spinal cord lesion paradigm to study spinal locomotor plasticity in the cat. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2013, 1279:127-34.
Martinez M, Delivet-Mongrain H, Leblond H, Rossignol S. Effect of locomotor training in completely spinalized cats previously submitted to a spinal hemisection. J. Neurosc. 2012, 32:10961-70.
Martinez M, Delivet-Mongrain H, Leblond H, Rossignol S. Incomplete spinal cord injury promotes durable functional changes within the spinal locomotor circuitry. J. Neurophysiology. 2012, 108:124-34.
Martinez M and Rossignol S. Changes in CNS structures after Spinal Cord Lesions: implications for BMI. Progress in Brain Research, Vol 194. Edited by Jens Schouenborg, Martin Garwicz and Nils Danielsen. Prog Brain Res. 2011, 194:191-202.
Martinez M, Delivet-Mongrain H, Leblond H, Rossignol S. Recovery of hindlimb locomotion after incomplete spinal cord injury in the cat involves spontaneous compensatory changes within the spinal locomotor circuitry. J. Neurophysiology 2011, 106:1969-1984.
Martinez M, Brezun JM, Xerri C. Sensorimotor experience influences recovery of forelimb abilities but not tissue loss after focal cortical compression in adult rats. PLoS One 2011; 6(2): e16726.
Martinez M, Delcour M, Russier M, Zennou-Azogui Y, Xerri C, Coq JO, Brezun JM. Differential tactile and motor recovery and cortical map alteration after C4-C5 spinal hemisection. Exp Neurol. 2010, 221:186-197.
Martinez M, Brezun JM, Zennou-Azogui Y, Baril N, Xerri C. Sensorimotor training promotes functional recovery and somatosensory cortical map reactivation following cervical spinal cord injury. Eur J Neurosci. 2009, 30:2356-67.
Martinez M, Brezun JM, Bonnier L, Xerri C. A new rating scale for open-field evaluation of behavioural recovery after cervical spinal cord injury in rats. J.Neurotrauma 2009, 26:1043-53.
-Closed-loop stimulation and locomotion. Patricia Levy Zusman International Workshop on Neuroregeneration, Houston, USA, March 4, 2021.
- Neuroprosthetics to facilitate recovery of locomotion after spinal cord injury. International Spinal Research Trust meeting, London, UK, September 06, 2019.
- Fostering recovery of locomotion with neuroprosthetics after spinal cord injury. Canadian Spinal Cord Injury Research Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 7-9, 2019.
- Neuroprostheses to improve locomotor control after spinal cord injury. Second Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Life Sciences Conference, Montréal, QC, Canada, October 28-30, 2018. KEYNOTE SPEAKER.
- The motor cortex, a key player in the recovery of motor function after spinal cord injury. 40e Symposium international du GRSNC: “The multifaceted control of locomotion”, Montréal, QC, Canada, May 07, 2018.
- Time-dependent cortical compensatory mechanisms of hindlimb movements after spinal cord injury. Society for Neuroscience: Spinal Cord Plasticity in Motor Control Symposium at Neuroscience 2016, San Diego, CA, USA, November 10, 2016.
- Instituts de recherche en Santé du Canada;
- Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et en Génie du Canada;
- Fonds de Recherche du Québec -Santé;
- Fondation Craig H. Neilsen;
- Morton Cure Paralysis Fund;
- Praxis Spinal Cord Institute;
- TransMedTech Institute
- Fonds de recherche sur la nature et les technologies-Québec;
- Fondation Canadienne pour l’Innovation.