Roger Godbout

Laboratoire du sommeil
Hôpital en santé mentale Rivière-des-Prairies
Laboratoire de neuroscience du comportement chez l'animal
Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur-de-Montréal
Professeur émérite
Département de psychiatrie et d’addictologie, Université de Montréal
Professeur associé
Département de psychologie, UQÀM
Professeur associé
Département de psychiatrie et d’addictologie, Université de Montréal
Roger Godbout est un psychologue clinicien qui mène ses travaux à deux sites du CIUSSS du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal: à l’Hôpital en santé mentale Rivière-des-Prairies (chez l’humain) et au Centre de recherche de l’Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal (chez l’animal). Son travail porte sur le sommeil, le développement et la santé mentale : évaluation, diagnostic et traitement des troubles du sommeil, conséquences diurnes d’un mauvais sommeil, études fondamentales sur l’électrophysiologie et la neuropharmacologie des états de vigilance et la neuroscience du comportement.
- 1982 : M.A. (Psychologie), Université d’Ottawa (dir. R. Terry Pivik)
- 1988 : Ph.D. (Psychologie), Université de Montréal (dir. Jacques Montplaisir, Franco Lepore)
- 1988 : Stagiaire postdoctoral, Neurobiological Psychiatry Unit, Dept of Psychiatry, McGill University (dir.: Claude De Montigny)
- 1989 : Stagiaire postdoctoral, Chaire de Neuropharmacologie, Collège de France, Paris (dir.: Jacques Glowinski / Anne-Marie Thierry)
Morin CM, Carrier J, Bastien C, Godbout R. Sleep and circadian rhythm in response to COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Journal of Public Health 2020; 111 (5): 654-657.
Potvin S, Mahrouche L, Assaf R, Chicoine M, Giguère CE, Furtos A, Godbout R. Peripheral endogenous cannabinoid levels are increased in schizophrenia patients evaluated in a psychiatric emergency setting. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2020; 11: 628 (10 pages).
Robillard R, Dion K, Pennestri MH, Solomonova E, Lee E, Saad M, Murkar A, Godbout R, Edwards JD, Quilty L, Daros AR, Bhatla R, Kendzerska T. Profiles of sleep changes during the COVID-19 pandemic: Demographic, behavioral and psychological factors. Journal of Sleep Research 2020; 30 (1): e13231 (12 pages).
Robillard R, Saad, M, Edwards JD, Solomonova E, Pennestri MH, Daros A, Veissiere SPL, Quilty L, Dion K, Nixon A, Phillips J, Bhatla R, Spilg E, Godbout R, Yazji B; Hylton Rushton C, Gifford W, Gautam M, Boafo A, Kendzerska T. Social, financial and psychological stress during an emerging pandemic: preliminary observations from a population web-based longitudinal survey on COVID-19. BMJ Open 2020; 10 (12): e043805 (12 pages).
Tan-MacNeill KM, Smith IM, Jemcov A, Keeler L, Chorney J, Johnson S, Weiss SK, Begum EA, Brown CA, Constantin E, Godbout R, Hanlon-Dearman A, Ipsiroglu O, Reid GJ, Shea S, Corkum PV. Barriers and facilitators to treating insomnia in children with autism spectrum disorder and other neurodevelopmental disorders: Parent and health care professional perspectives. Research in Developmental Disabilities 2020, 107: 103792 (14 pages).
Tan-MacNeill K, Smith IM, Weiss SK, Johnson SA, Chorney J, Constantin E, Shea S, Hanlon-Dearman A, Brown CA, Godbout R, Ipsiroglu O, Reid GJ, Corkum P. An eHealth insomnia intervention for children with neurodevelopmental disorders: Results of a usability study. Research in Developmental Disabilities 2020; 98: 103573 (14 pages).
Bastien L,* Théoret R,* Gagnon K,* Chicoine M,* Godbout R. Sleep characteristics and socio-emotional functioning of gifted children. Behavioral Sleep Medicine 2022; 20 (5): 598-609.
Gagnon K,* Bolduc C,* Bastien L,* Godbout R. REM sleep EEG activity and clinical correlates in adults with autism. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2021;12:659006 (13 pages).
Gagnon K,* Labrosse M,* Gingras MA,* Godbout R. Sleep instability correlates with attentional impairment in boys with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Brain Sciences 2021; 11(11) :1425.
Godbout, R, Carrier J, Bastien C, Morin C. Pandémie COVID-19, sommeil et séquelles psychologiques. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie 2021; 66(9): 778-781.
MacKenzie NE, Keys E, Hall WA, Gruber R, Smith IM, Constantin E, Godbout R, Stremler R, Reid GJ, Hanlon-Dearman A, Brown CA, Shea S, Weiss SK, Ipsiroglu O, Witmans M, Chambers CT, Andreou P, Begum E, Corkum P. Children’s sleep during COVID-19: How sleep influences surviving and thriving in families. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2021; 46(9): 1051-14062.
Robillard R, Daros AR, Phillips JL, Porteous M, Saad M, Pennestri MH, Kendzerska T, Edwards JD, Solomonova E, Bhatla R, Godbout R, Kaminsky Z, Boafo A, Quilty LC. Emerging new psychiatric symptoms and the worsening of pre-existing mental disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Canadian multisite study. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 2021; 66(9): 815-826. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33464115.
Simonelli G, Petit D, Pizzamiglio Delage J, Michaud X, Lavoie MD, Morin CM, Godbout R, Robillard R, Vallières A, Carrier A, Bastien C. Sleep in times of crises: a review of the evidence in the early days of the COVID-19 crisis. Sleep Medicine Reviews 2021; 60: 1-12.
Solomonova E, Picard-Deland C, Rapoport IL, Pennestri MH, Saad M, Kendzerska T, Veissiere SPL, Godbout R, Edwards JD, Quilty L, Robillard R. Stuck in a lockdown: Dreams, bad dreams, nightmares, and their relationship to stress, depression and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. PLoS ONE 2021; 16(11): e0259040 (23 pages).
Gagné MA,* Barbeau C, Gilbert K, Mathieu O, Auger J, Tompkins TA, Charbonney E, Godbout R, Rousseau G. Dysbiotic microbiota contributes to the extent of myocardial infarction. Scientific Reports 2022; 12:16517 (10 pages).
Bastien L,* Théoret R*, Bernier A, Godbout R. Habitual sleep and intraindividual variability of gifted children: An actigraphy study. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 2023; 19 (5): 925-934.
Bastien L,* Théoret R,* Godbout R. Association between sleep and problematic behaviors in gifted children: A polysomnographic study. Journal of Sleep Research 2023; 32: e13807, 9 pages.
Davidson-Urbain W,* Servot S,* Godbout R, Montplaisir JY, Touchette E. Le manque de sommeil et la somnolence chez les adolescents: étiologie et conséquences multiples. Encéphale, 2023; 49 (1): 87-93.
Ilie A, Orr M, Corkum P, Weiss S, Andreou P, Brown C, Hanlon-Dearman A, Ipsiroglu O, Constantin E, Godbout R, Reid G, Shea S, Smith I. Optimizing the Better Nights, Better Days for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders program for large scale implementation. Frontiers in Sleep 2023; 2: 1158983.
Jia XY, Andreou P, Brown C, Constantin E, Godbout R, Hanlon-Dearman A, Ipsiroglu O, Reid G, Shea S, Smith I, Zwicker J, Weiss SK, Corkum P. Better Night, Better Days for children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders eHealth program: Protocol for an economic evaluation of a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research – Research Protocols 2023; 12: e46735.
Touchette E, Servot S, Davidson-Urbain W, Pennestri MH, Godbout R, Montplaisir JY. Évaluer la somnolence auprès des adolescents : un incontournable pour mieux intervenir en santé mentale. Santé mentale au Québec 2023; 48 (1): 95-120.
De Koninck J, Nixon A, Godbout R. The practice of Daylight Saving Time in Canada: It’s suitability with respect to sleep and circadian rhythms. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2024; . Https://
Kerr P, Le Page C, Marin MF, Romain AJ, Trudel-Fitzgerald C, Taschereau-Dumouchel V, Geoffrion S, Ouellet-Morin I, Lecomte T, Potvin S, Dumais A, Lavoie M, Godbout R, Lesage A, Labelle R, Pelletier JF, Vincent P, Sasseville M, Lipp O, Caihol L, Giguère CE, Boissonneault J, Findlay H,. Lupien SJ, Guay S, Juster RP, Signature Consortium. The Signature Biobank: A longitudinal biopsychosocial repository of psychiatric emergency patients. Psychiatry Research 2024; 332: 115718.
Théoret R*, Bastien L*, Godbout R. Sleep problems as a predictor of emotional and behavioral difficulties in gifted and twice exceptional children. Canadian Sleep Society 2021 Virtual Conference, 28-30 October, 2021.
Nader AM,* Charette M, St-Jean E,* Lasalle V, Forgeot D’Arc B, Courcy I, Godbout, R. A living environment adapted to the needs of autistic adults: What does literature offer? International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) 2021 Annual Meeting, Austin (TX), May 3-7, 2021.
Richard-Lesage J,* Chicoine M,* Godbout R. Sleep and suicidal thoughts & behaviors in adolescents attending psychiatric clinics: a pilot study. International Paediatric Sleep Association (IPSA), online, 27-29 October 2022.
Chicoine M,* Richard-Lesage J,* Godbout R. Suicidal thoughts & behaviors and sleep in adolescents attending psychiatric clinics: a pilot study. Canadian Sleep Society National Sleep Conference, Ottawa (ON) April 27-29, 2023.
Dion K, Lee E, Kendzerska T, Douglass A, Pennestri MH, Godbout R, Gallson D, Robillard R. Insights on sleep wearables: investigating sleep, sleep-related healthcare, and perceived impacts associated with the use of sleep trackers in Canada. World Sleep Congress, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), October 20-26, 2023. Sleep Medicine 2024; 115 (Suppl. 1): 409-410.
Gallo O, Dion K, Lee E, Kendzersk T, Pennestri MH, Godbout R, Gallson D, Robillard R. How is the use of electronic devices in bed impacting sleep and subjective pre-sleep arousal. Canadian Sleep Society National Sleep Conference, Ottawa (ON) April 27-29, 2023.
Samarraie AA, Godbout R, Goupil R, Reiher L, Suarasan CP, Roy J, Dano M, Russo M, Kanj S, Rousseau G, Pichette M. Association between Daylight Saving Time and acute myocardial infarction in Canada: the DST-AMI study. Canadian Cardiovascular Congress (Vascular 2023), Montréal (Qc) 25-29 octobre 2023.
Samarraie AA, Godbout R, Goupil R, Suarasan CP, Kanj S, Russo M, Dano M, Roy J, Reiher L, Rousseau R, Pichette M. Association between Daylight Saving Time and acute myocardial infarction in Canada. American Heart Association Conference, Philadelphia (PA) November 11–13, 2023.
CRSNG 2020-2026