Marc Ghannoum

Chercheur régulier
Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur-de-Montréal
Interniste et néphrologue
Hôpital de Verdun
Lignes directrices (Guidelines)
Doctorat en médecine, Mcgill 1997
Spécialité médecine interne, UDM 2000
Spécialité néphrologie, UDM 2002
Maîtrise en pharmacologie, Université de Floride, 2016
-Ghannoum M, Hoffman RS, Gosselin S, Nolin TD, Lavergne V, Roberts DM. Use of extracorporeal treatments in the management of poisonings. Kidney Int. 2018;94(4):682-688.
-Bouchard J, Lavergne V, Roberts DM, Cormier M, Morissette G, Ghannoum M. Availability and cost of extracorporeal treatments for poisonings and other emergency indications: a worldwide survey. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2017;32(4):699-706.
-Roberts, D. M., C. Yates, B. Megarbane, J. F. Winchester, R. Maclaren, S. Gosselin, T. D. Nolin, V. Lavergne, R. S. Hoffman, M. Ghannoum, and Extrip Work Group. 2015. 'Recommendations for the role of extracorporeal treatments in the management of acute methanol poisoning: a systematic review and consensus statement', Crit Care Med, 43: 461-72.
-Decker, B. S., D. S. Goldfarb, P. I. Dargan, M. Friesen, S. Gosselin, R. S. Hoffman, V. Lavergne, T. D. Nolin, M. Ghannoum, and Extrip Workgroup. 2015. 'Extracorporeal Treatment for Lithium Poisoning: Systematic Review and Recommendations from the EXTRIP Workgroup', Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 10: 875-87.
-Lavergne, V., T. D. Nolin, R. S. Hoffman, D. Robert, S. Gosselin, D. S. Goldfarb, J. T. Kielstein, R. Mactier, R. MacLaren, J. B. Mowry, T. E. Bunchman, D. Juurlink, B. Megarbane, K. Anseeuw, J. F. Winchester, P. I. Dargan, K. D. Liu, L. C. Hoegberg, Y. Li, D. Calello, E. A. Burdmann, C. Yates, M. Laliberte, B. S. Decker, C. A. Mello-Da-Silva, E. Lavonas, and M. Ghannoum. 2012. 'The EXTRIP (Extracorporeal Treatments In Poisoning) workgroup: Guideline methodology', Clin Toxicol, 50: 403-13.
-Lavergne, V., G. Ouellet, J. Bouchard, T. Galvao, J. T. Kielstein, D. M. Roberts, S. Kanji, J. B. Mowry, D. P. Calello, R. S. Hoffman, S. Gosselin, T. D. Nolin, D. S. Goldfarb, E. A. Burdmann, P. I. Dargan, B. S. Decker, L. C. Hoegberg, R. Maclaren, B. Megarbane, K. M. Sowinski, C. Yates, R. Mactier, T. Wiegand, and M. Ghannoum. 2014. 'Guidelines for reporting case studies on extracorporeal treatments in poisonings: methodology', Semin Dial, 27: 407-14.
FRQS Junior 1 2017-2021